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Since August 2011

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Format Application

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1Format Application Empty Format Application Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:00 pm


Leader / Founder
Leader / Founder

If you'd like to make an application for The ShinRa Crew, then you must use the following application format, and fill in ALL questions.
Thanks in advance!

First of all, this application may take several weeks to be accepted. Are you sure you will stay loyal during this period?:


Real Name:
Time zone:
English knowledge (both writing and speaking):
Write a little text about yourself:


Ingame Name(s):
How did you find us:
What made you want to apply to [ShinRa]:
Did you ever use cheats, ilegal modifications or trainers in SA-MP:
Previous clans:
Why did you leave these clans:
Have you ever applied to another clan and got denied? If yes, why?:
How can you contribute to [ShinRa]:
What servers do you play on:
What is your favorite/best weapon set at A/D:

In-game skills (Rate from 0 to 10):

- Teamwork:
- Individual skill:
- Walking weapon skill :
- Running weapon skill /10:
- A/D skills (Attack and Defend):


YOU WILL NEED xfire, if you need it, get it and post your name here, If you already have it post it your name here:

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