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Since August 2011

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How to connect to mIRC.

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1How to connect to mIRC. Empty How to connect to mIRC. Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:09 am


Leader / Founder
Leader / Founder

Step I: Download mIRC (*)
Step II: Installing mIRC
When you download and open the file you downloaded, "mIRC_6.35.rar" (which uses Winrar to be decompressed, download if you have not) will find this screen:
How to connect to mIRC. Winrarf

Here we select the Setup folder and open the executable called "mIRC 6.35.exe"
How to connect to mIRC. Fscren

This step is recommended not to accept the list of servers, as commonly used for purposes not used.
How to connect to mIRC. Fscreen

Once the installation wizard, finalicenlo and move on to the next.

Step III: "Buy" mIRC
Inside the file you downloaded, find this folder called "Crack" or "Medicine" as it is called in Spanish.
How to connect to mIRC. Crkfolder

Then we go to the desk, and look for the new icon you created mIRC, we right click and properties and keep the image.
How to connect to mIRC. Presionarfind

Pressing the button will take you to the main mIRC folder, where you will find the executable mirc.exe, which will replace it with the one in the file previously downloaded. See something like the image, which respond with Yes.
How to connect to mIRC. Replace

MIRC now open and will appear this:

We select where it says "Here" and open the Readme.txt in the downloaded file, from which we copy the data as needed and fill in the picture.

We click on OK, and the following screen should appear, otherwise you must repeat the steps above.

Step IV: Connecting to FoCoHub
FoCoHub is the official sponsor of SA-MP, and many of its servers are housed in ServerFFS, so now you can also have its own SA-MP server at a very low price!
When you open mIRC, a screen like this, which will be filled with your data:

After filling out your details, we go to Server in the tree on the left and give to Add to choose where to connect:

At the end looks something like this:

We give "Select" and the button "Connect" to what we will already be connected to a screen like this:

Step V: Talk Partyserver
These are channels that nobody is interested and does not exist on the network FFS, so we add our own pressing Add:

When properly will add something like this, where we will select both using Ctrl + Click and press "Join".
Finally, the next screen, where we find ourselves talking to people currently on IRC:

Finally, what many were waiting, the Echo Partyserver, found on channel # Partyecho.

This is where monitoring takes place the game in real time, can talk to the game and others. Required mode + v (Voice) to speak on this channel, and administrators will give if asked the kindly or made known and administrators see them as good people.
The! Say is used to send a message to people within the game, and! Admins to see if administrators are currently connected.

Please note that while this is actually a chat channel (# Partyserver only), not everyone is always available and talking like Messenger, so if you do not be surprised if the only ones who are talking and not be afraid start a conversation with any of those present.[img][/img][img][/img]

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