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No obligations, rules or autority

Since August 2011

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FF Clan Rules

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1FF Clan Rules Empty FF Clan Rules Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:38 pm



1 -Never Spawnkill
2 -Never Teamkill
3 -Never Kill a member with [FF] tag (just in events or duels.)
4 -Never disrespect players and admins and bad words such as "N" word.
6 -Be experienced with some A/D weapon(Sniper,Country Rifle,Shotgun,Deagle,MP5,M4,Combat Shotgun etc.)
7 -Always be active.
8 -Stay on the team that most members are (if have 2 on riches,and ur on pimp,go to riches cuz in pimps have just u)
9 -Don't pause to evade death or spec.This is gay.
10 -To join the clan make your app or talk with the leaders.
11 -Don't spam things in forum.
12 -If some member do not agree with this rules, he will be banned for the forum and will be kicked from the clan.

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